Preferential Treatment System

Firm Location Promotion Loans

■ Company planning to locate in an industrial park developed by local government

[Purpose of loan]
Fund necessary for location

[Annual interest]
2.4% (2.1% with guarantee)

[Limit amount of loan]
300 million yen (within 80% of the project cost. Including land acquisition cost)

[Redemption period]
Up to 10 years (2-year deferment)

[Mortgage guarantee]
As required by financial institution or Yamanashi credit guarantee association

■ Company locating in business park (Yamanashi Business Park) developed according to the Specified Business Accumulation Law (repealed).

[Purpose of loan]
Fund necessary for location

[Annual interest]
2.1% (1.8% with guarantee)

[Limit amount of loan]
500 million yen (within 80% of the project cost. Including land acquisition cost)

[Redemption period]
Up to 10 years (3-year deferment)

[Mortgage guarantee]
As required by financial institution or Yamanashi credit guarantee association
