
57第1章 ふるさと山梨を大観して第2章 心のふるさと富士山第3章 ふるさと山梨を見つめて第4章 私たちのまちを見つめて第5章 未来を考える資 料 編Tips for GuidesUseful ExpressionsAsk what kind of activities tourists like. Do you want to ~? Do you like to ~?Recommend where to go. You should go ~.Suggest what tourists can do there. You can ~.Tell tourists when to visit / where it is. ~ is the best season to visit there. It is in ~.Tell tourists how to get there. It takes about... minutes by bus from ~. Change trains at JR Otsuki Station.You may like to ~You can enjoy ~You can enjoy ~ingYou also like ~You might want to ~It takes about 30 minutes by bus.You can go there by car. change trains at ~take Chuo linefrom ~ to ~in midsummer, in early spring, in late summerin front of ~, at the foot of ~Why don’t you come to ~?・・ ・ ・ ・ ・・・・・ ・・ ・・ ・・・・

元のページ  ../index.html#59
