
37第1章 ふるさと山梨を大観して第2章 心のふるさと富士山第3章 ふるさと山梨を見つめて第4章 私たちのまちを見つめて第5章 未来を考える資 料 編How to describe an attractionWhat kind of ambassador are you?Describe the attraction. What is it? What can we do there? When / Where can we do it? Who can enjoy it? How can we go there?Special comments as an ambassador.❶❷  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・❸Hi, I’m a fruit picking ambassador.You can enjoy fruit picking in Yamanashi. It is very fun!You can enjoy peach picking in summer and grape picking from summer to fall. You can also enjoy tasting them. You can feel their freshness and sweetness. There are lots of peach elds and vineyards in Koshu City. I think you can make wonderful memories with your family or friends. You won’t forget the taste of Yamanashi’s good peaches and grapes.You can choose anything you want to introduce as an ambassador!

元のページ  ../index.html#39
